The Matrimonial Advertisement by Mimi Matthews

Leaving London behind, Helana travels to Devon to marry Justin Thornhill after seeing his matrimonial advertisement.  The marriage will take her to a remote Abbey in Devon.  His solicitor and friend has promised that Justin will offer her two things: kindness and safety.

Justin is shocked when Helena introduces herself as the woman he is to marry.  He is a former army captain, scarred from his service, and with humble beginnings.  When he sees how serious she is, he knows that she is running from her past.  Still, he continues with the marriage, as he is keeping secrets of his own.

After marriage, she moves to the Abbey and they begin their marriage with the goal of friendship and honesty.  Could there be something more? Or are their secrets too dark to overcome?

Justin and Helana

After Justin and Helena’s initial meeting at the inn, I was prepared for a grumpy MMC.  However, Justin’s mood quickly changes and he begins to show the kindness that Helena has been promised.  While I like a variety of heroes in my historical romance, I feel uncomfortable reading about MMCs with a gruff exterior when it is so obvious the FMC has a traumatic past.  I am so happy the author gave Helena someone willing to take care of her and adore her when she so desperately needed it.

This book began with a bit of instant attraction, especially from Justin.  Feeling self-conscious about his background and his burns, he cannot believe that a woman as beautiful and refined as Helena would marry him.  She also finds him handsome, although put off by some of his blunt and performative remarks.  Instalust romances can sometimes feel disingenuous, but their immediate physical attraction to each other felt candid and realistic. 

Pacing & Third Act

After becoming smitten with the way their romance was progressing within the marriage of convenience trope, I did not love the path it took during the middle and third act.  However, I can’t find fault with the plot and it was still a beautifully written romance.  The parts that made me sad gave the story more resonance and emotional depth.  I have to suck it up, get through it, and let the Happily Ever After come at its own time.  It’s totally a me problem and not a Mimi Matthews problem.

Side Characters

I love when a series’s future protagonists play a major role in the earlier novels.  While it makes it harder for new readers to jump into a series in the middle, it is nice to develop a real connection with the characters throughout the books.  

I assumed upon reading the name of the series that the parish orphans would be the FMCs.  I guess that is a more common storyline in historical romance, so I enjoyed the surprise to find out that the parish orphans are a group of four boys.  They include Justin, Mr. Finchley- the lawyer, Nevile- Justin’s stable master, and the missing Alex Archer.  A glimpse at the summaries show that these will be the four MMCs of the series.  

Closed Door

I don’t usually read closed-door romances and I found that I only slightly missed the spice.  (I wanted to experience all parts of their HEA, if you know what I mean.)  Justin and Helena still have chemistry and tension, and in the plot of this particular novel, the vibe would have been off for too much physical intimacy anyway.

Regardless, I easily enjoyed Mimi Matthews’ talented writing and am eager to continue with this series, as well as start some of her others.  I’m glad that there are authors who can bring quality historical romance to readers who prefer closed-door romances, as well as fans of the genre.

One little spoiler- so don’t scroll down if you haven’t read it, yet!

There was a time in the end where I thought part of their Happily Ever After would be moving away from the Abbey.  Justin was worried that Helena was happiest in London and he began to reexamine his own reasons for being so intent on purchasing the Abbey.  I really loved that they stayed and made it their home.  It was a much sweeter ending for all, including Neville!  I hope the Abbey appears as a setting in some of the other books of the series.

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